Thursday Nov 09, 2017
#30 Glenn Downing and Chris Shewbert: Jump Package Boys
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Glenn Downing and Chris Shewbert, The Jump Package Boys. Wonder what it's like to cutaway for a year and shred the sky? What's life like doing over 1,000 fun jumps in a year? Glenn and Shewby have spent 2017 on the unlimited jump package at Skydive Spaceland Houston and have done over 1100 and 900 jumps each. Where did these guys come from and what is their motivations?
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/ and on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user73147073
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/ and on his Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/user11479606
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
#29 Ben Nelson:The B-Team is back
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Ben Nelson has long held the group B-Team near and dear to his heart. It has been a little stagnant but Ben decided Gravity Lab Radio was the right time to revive the B-Team moniker. Ben has been at Skydive Spaceland Dallas for the past 2 months, and we're all excited for him to go back. Ben has become a great part of the GLR family and we are always excited to have him around to beat up on.
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/ and on his Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/user11479606
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
#28 Carlos Rodriguez: Skydiving Instructor and the Happiest Man Alive
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Carlos is one of the kindest and happiest people you'll ever meet. He's also not on Facebook, and there's a chance those two things are connected. Carlos is native to Caracas, Venezuela. He's a skydiving instructor and videographer, and he's in desperate need of a haircut. We may or may not be taking live callers during the show. You can follow Carlos on Facebook, wait you can't, he doesn't have Facebook. You can follow him on Instagram @Chuloskdv
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/ and on his Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/user11479606
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
#27 Luke Rogers: Wingsuit pilot, Australian National Champ, and all around badass
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Luke Rogers is our good mate from across the pond. Luke has held world records for wingsuiting, has been a competitive body builder, and is all around awesome dude. STRAYA! Luke is visiting the United States to compete in the World Cup of Wingsuiting. Luke has a diverse competition background and drops some awesome wingsuit knowledge on this episode. If you want to contact or follow Luke you can find him on Facebook @lukerogerswingsuit and on Instagram @lukerogers.ws
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/ and on his Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/user11479606
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
#26 Rabbitt Staib: Chief Pilot for Skydive Spaceland
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Rabbitt is the chief pilot for Skydive Spaceland Global. He's also a skydiver, former instructor, and a hippie in disguise. Tune in to learn what it's like to spend 40 YEARS INVOLVED WITH SKYDIVING! We dive into Rabbitt's early years, how he started skydiving, and how he got the nickname Rabbitt. There is no way we could get into even a fraction of Rabbitt's history, what he knows, and where he's been, so you know we will have him back. You can follow Rabbitt on Facebook @AirRabbitt and on Instagram @AirRabbitt
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Rob's in town to visit friends, and to help organize at the Fly4Life event this weekend at Skydive Spaceland. Welcome to episode 25, and our podcasting A-License. Viva Chile! You can follow Rob on FB @roberto.volatore and on Instagram @robertovolatore
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
#24 Tex Leos: Tex is an athlete, a character, and a viral internet sensation.
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
When he's not catching babies, he's usually teaching people how to fly, organizing amazing skydives, or doing his best to make America great again. Time to grow out that mustache and get in touch with your masculine side. You can email Tex at tleos@iflyworld.com for coaching or a personal comedy session. You can follow him on Facebook at @jesse.t.leos and on Instagram @tex.fly
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
#23 DQ Quist: Chief Tandem Instructor at Skydive Spaceland Houston
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
David Quist, more commonly known as DQ, will talk about being a super awesome canopy pilot, living through Hurricane Harvey, and what life is like in the dirty south.
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
#22 Nick Lott: AKA the three stooges
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
"Do you like miniature versions of normal sized people? Then you'll love tonight's guest. Nick enjoys dancing, skydiving, and kissing his male friends on the mouth. Let's see who can ask the most offensive question. Ready, set, bro!" This is the description from the Facebook Live feed. DJ has chose the nickname, the three stooges. This week we have the GLR family together. Ben Nelson sits behind the desk as Nick Lott gets on the "guest side" of the studio. We plan on doing the three man show regularly but still focus on a guest base format.
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
#21 Kritter Weiss: Dog trainer, high performance canopy pilot, father
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Kritter is a trainer for Sit Means Sit Dog Training. He's also a former skydiving instructor and competitive canopy pilot. He's also a new dad! Check out http://sitmeanssit.com/ for more information on working with a phenomenal training program.
Gravity Lab Radio is hosted by DJ Marvin and Nick Lott with our favorite sidekick, Ben Nelson. Our website is www.GravityLabRadio.com and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gravitylabradio/
DJ owns and operates The Ratings Center, where he trains skydiving coaches and instructors. TRC also provides canopy coaching. You can find TRC on the interwebs at www.TheRatingsCenter.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/theratingscenter
Nick Lott is the Director of Video Marketing for Skydive Spaceland and has a wonderful nack for producing videos. You can follow Nick's work for Spaceland on the video page of Spaceland's Facebook www.facebook.com/spaceland2/